Uncompromised Debug Solution starting at just $647
If your debug challenge requires advanced analysis capabilities and instrument performance on an extremely tight budget the DS2000E allows you to make no compromises
DS2102E - 100MHz $647
DS2202E - 200MHz $847
Free Advanced Analysis Options
For all DS2000E purchases before June 30, 2018 RIGOL will provide a free options package that includes:
Introduction Video
This video lets you take a walk around the new unit and explore all its key features, user interface, package dimensions, and demonstrates the 5X oversampling on a 200 MHz signal
Remote Instrument Display and Control
The DS2000E come with free access to RIGOL's UltraSigma communication tools and the UltraScope software utility.
This video shows how to use the UltraScope software for remote control of your instrument.
Sample Rate vs Record Length
This video explains the relationship between Sample Rate and Memory Depth.
The DS2000E provides 5 X oversampling at 200 MHz with both channels active to support a wide array of embedded debugging applications.
The DS2000E Series sets a new price point for these important capabilities with full time sampling at 1 GSa/sec and 28 Mpts of memory standard.
How much Bandwidth do I need?
Capturing and Analyzing high speed signals has unique challenges. Understanding the impact of the measurement bandwidth of your scope on your results is one of them. This video explains the phenomenon.
With the DS2022E 200 MHz Oscilloscope engineers can more accurately measure the risetime of signals above 20 MHz than lower speed scopes.
RIGOL recommends having 5 X bandwidth overhead to limit risetime errors to about 2%.